Mukund Gohil's


Only for final exam

Only for final exam

Digital logic design

1.      With respect to Register Transfer logic, explain Interregister Transfer with necessary diagrams.

2.       Prepare a detailed note on: Instruction Codes.

3.      What is scratchpad memory? With diagram explain the working of a processor unit employing a scratchpad memory.

4.        Briefly explain control organization. With diagram explain control logic with one flip-flop per state.

5.      Draw the block diagram of a processor unit with control variables and explain its operation briefly.

6.        With simple diagram explain the working of control logic with sequence register and decoder.

7.       Write short note on EEPROM, EPROM and PROM

8.       State and explain the features of register transfer logic

9.       Explain memory unit

10.   Explain Control Logic Design

11.  Explain briefly: fixed-point binary data and floating-point data

12.   Explain the design of Arithmetic Logic Unit & Draw block diagram of a 4-bit arithmetic logic unit.

13.   Draw and explain block diagram of microprogramme control.

14.  Explain arithmetic, logic and shift microoperations in detail

15.  Explain bus organization for four processor register and ALU connected through common buses.

16.  Distinguish between microprogram control and hard-wired control.

17.  Brifley explain processor unit with a 2-port memory

18.  Explain Macro operations Versus micro operations
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